Human Rights Watch (English: Human Rights Watch or HRW for short) is a US-based non-governmental organization. This organization, which is based in New York City, conducting research and advocacy on human rights, is Amsterdam, Beirut, Berlin, Brussels, Chicago, Geneva, Johannesburg, L ondra, Los Angeles, Moscow, Nairobi, Paris, San Francisco, Sydney, Tokyo, Toronto, Washington. It also has offices in the cities of DC and Zurich.
How does Human Rights Watch work?
(Director of the European monitoring department at Human Rights Watch) Jan Egeland: “Human Rights Watch operates worldwide. We prepare research reports on the abuse of human rights, interventions to the rights of individuals, and unlawful attitudes towards people. Then, by publishing them, we make people aware of them. Our aim is to uncover the truth and fight for change. Thus, we can create an environment where everyone can defend their rights and the rule of law is realized. “
“We hire the best. Researchers, who will work as experts on a country, are doing research in the field. In other words, he goes to Syria, Russia, South Africa or China to examine the events on the spot. Areas where war, oppression, discrimination and human rights are violated are visited. These reports are prepared by interviewing hundreds of people. We publish these reports weekly. Then we verify this data with last minute press information. For us, the accuracy of the information we publish is vital. Therefore, we go to the source to get the information. We reach knowledge and data by observing, smelling and exploring. “
“We haven’t solved many of the old problems yet. For example, the issue of torture is still up to date. Remember the drama that happened in Algeria recently. Or in Mali. Take a look at what is happening especially in Syria right now. The new generation of human rights focuses more on the internet and freedom of access to information. The internet plays an important role in liberating societies and ending dictatorships. But it emerges as an area where information pollution and hatred also spread. I see the subject of knowledge and our mental world as the new battleground of the future. The challenge of future international human rights will be this area. “
Human Rights Watch began in 1978 with the creation of the Helsinki Watch, which was designed to support citizen groups formed throughout the Soviet bloc, citizen groups formed to monitor government compliance with the 1975 Helsinki Agreements. Helsinki Watch has adopted the methodology of “naming and shaming” malicious governments publicly, through direct exchange with media and policy makers. Helsinki Watch contributed to the dramatic democratic transformations of the late 1980s by shining a glow on human rights violations in the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe.
In rapid succession in the 1980s, Asia Watch (1985), Africa Watch (1988) and Middle East Watch (1989) were added to what later became known as “Monitoring Committees”. In 1988, the organization officially adopted the all-inclusive name Human Rights Watch. From the left, Human Rights Watch Tamara Taraciuk, Executive Director Kenneth Roth and America’s Director Jose Miguel Vivanco in a report published in Mexico.
New human rights problems in the 1990s led to significant innovations in Human Rights Watch’s work. The first reporting of the 1991 Persian Gulf War highlighted the violation of the laws of war in the bombing campaigns. Defense objectives have been expanded to give more attention to the United Nations and regional organizations such as the European Union.
In 1997 Human Rights Watch shared the Nobel Peace Prize as a founding member of the International Landmines Campaign and played a leading role in the 2008 agreement to ban cluster ammunition.
The 21st century has brought new challenges. It was emphasized that new forms of pressure on terrorist organizations and their supporters were required during and after the September 11, 2001 attacks and that anti-terrorism laws, policies and practices that violate fundamental human rights should be closely monitored. The HIV / AIDS epidemic has led to the creation of a Human Rights Watch program dedicated to human rights and health.
How large are Human Rights Watch staff? As of 2015, Human Rights Watch employs approximately 400 staff and we also hire experts as consultants for specific projects. Our work was supported by the generous assistance of volunteers and a pro-bond lawyer.
While Human Rights Watch and many other international human rights organizations have globally and historically focused on civil and political rights, we have increasingly resorted to social, cultural and economic rights in research and reporting. We paid special attention to health, education and housing issues. Our strength lies in pressing policy makers to change their practices; Our approach was to target arbitrary or discriminatory government policies that resulted in violation of economic, social or cultural rights. We exist to ensure peace and happiness all over the world.
In Turkey, Syria, Syrian refugees will be placed, to the extent pathetically wrong plan to create a safe zone 32 kilometers deep and dangerous and doomed to fail. ■ Turkey, Syria to the north of its military campaign, it will be able to place the civilians still living in this region, refugees could endanger that can be sent to the region. There are also concerns that the 12,000 ISIS fighters held in the region by the Kurdish Autonomous Administration may escape.
■ Turkey in December 2017 from the forcibly return some Syrian refugees since since 2015. Syrian border closing and opening fire on the refugees from smugglers way for asylum seekers (which since 2011 430 people reportedly killed), Turkey’s protection the main aim rather than providing, suggesting that more Syrians fled to Turkey to prevent entry. ■ Turkey this ‘safe zone’ in yaratsa not create in, turn it off limits to Syrian asylum seekers or refugees should not use such practices as forced as an excuse to send it back.
■ “O European Union, come to yourself. Look, I’m telling you again. If you try to describe our current operation as an occupation, our job is easy. We open the doors. We will send 3.6 million refugees to you ”. President Recep Tayyip Erdogan responded with these words to European countries criticizing the Peace Spring operation on October 10th. Erdogan repeated the threat to open the gates in a statement he made on October 26, but this time he also called on the European Union to support the envisaged safe zone in Syria.
■ Reinart, the creation of Syrian refugees in Turkey would not want to go also considered a safe zone, he added, and “Because there is no safe zone. There is no area expected to be safe.
■ “The area that Erdogan is talking about is still an area of conflict”
■ Outstanding Bilgen-Reinart Turkey pursues a career in Turkey and Canada-based author, journalist and television broadcaster.
■ Whether the EU will increase financial aid or not “It can provide some assistance. But there is no end to it. It is possible that more refugees will flock from the battlefield.


  1. Sn. BAHAR, İnsan Hakları konusu öne çıkarak gerçekten çok güzel bir paylaşım sunmuşsunuz. Her ne kadar HWR’nin işleyiş durumu ve rapor için uğraştığı mağdur bölgeler açıklansa da, insan hahları şampiyonluğu yapanlar, o mağdur halkların gaddarı sayılmazlar mı?. Ailede güçlü kardeş gücsuz kardeşe, devlette büyük partinin küçük pariye ve dünyada güçlü devletin güçsüz devlete haksızlığı sürdükçe, HWR’nin çalışmaları sadece laftan eyleme geçemeyeceğine katılmaz mısınız?. Selam ve Saygılar. Hüsnü ARSLAN

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